okay, i admit it.
my name is mia, and i'm addicted to Lost.
u know, i can't believe it. i was so strongly against watching Lost for multiple reasons.
1. it's just too stressful!! why should i come home from a long day of work, to watch a show that makes me so stressed out that after an hour, my stomach is in knots? no way, uh uh, i was happy to stick to my non-stressful shows like the Hills, or scrubs, or Friends. but Lost, no way. too stressful!
2. i can't watch scary stuff. my imagination is too active, and things haunt me for a long time afterwards. when i was a kid, i watched arachnophobia, and to this day, i fear taking showers in case a spider comes and kills me while i'm shampooing. but no, this is not a childhood phase, a few years ago, when i watched The Passion of Christ, Satan freaked me out so bad that my best friend had to sleep over my dorm for a week! hence, i cannot watch scary stuff.
3. i felt like i was too late in joining the bandwagon for a long time, so i just gave up. it would be too hard to catch up.
but man, oh man. things have changed.
one night, while i was hanging out at walter's apt, i was working on some stuff for work on the laptop while walter was watching Lost season 2. at one point, i just kinda poked my head up to see what was going on, and immediately i got hooked. i couldn't take my eyes off the screen! what were those creepy whispery voices? who are these "others" that they keep talking about? and bam! sharon died, and i was like, what the heck happened???
from that night on, i got hooked. when walter got sick last weekend, we watched Lost all day and now we finished season 2.
i gotta tell ya... HENRY GALE IS THE CREEPIEST GUY I'VE EVER SEEN!!! i've lost sleep b/c of this guy! he creeped me out so bad that at night, i had to read books and magazines to distract my brain from hearing his voice and seeing his face every time i closed my eyes. i had nightmares that were related to Lost for a couple of days! and for the last few episodes, i just closed my eyes every time henry gale came on the screen to prevent any more nights of sleep deprivation.
man... this show is so creepy and so stressful, but i am finding that it is worth it. hahahaha. =D everything that i believed in, i have thrown out the window. look at me, i'm a mess. i'm like those druggies who need more drugs in order to feel normal again. hahaha. but i will press on. hooray for season 3!!
seriously... henry gale is such a good actor. i was never sure if he was an "other" or not. man, look at how nice and normal he looks when he's not trying to creep me out. and look at the creepy smile that creeped me out for 2 days!!

Henry Gale - you scared the crap out of me, but i applaud you for your serious brilliance.
On to season 3!!!
can you believe it? the impossible has happened - i joined a gym. hahahahaha. =D
so yesterday was my first day at the gym. i've never been part of a gym in my life, and so i really felt quite out of place. man, oh man, was i in for a shock.
1. WHAT IS UP WITH ALL THE NAKED PPL?!?!?! as i was changing into my gym clothes, i looked around to see what the other women were doing - was there a changing area? do i go into a bathroom stall? NOOOO... apparently, ur just supposed to get naked with each other!! there were boobs everywhere!! and later, when i was changing to go home, the old lady next to me had no bottoms on!!! i so did NOT need to see her private areas!!! =(( so sad... and so horrified...
2. workout machines have TVs!!! i was doing the eliptical machine when i noticed that there was a tv button. lo and behold - you can watch your own little tv as u work out!! i've always seen those big tvs they have for everyone to watch, but my machine had its very own tv!! man... although, i probably shouldn't have watched what i was watching. i watched the food network while i worked out. hahahahaha. =D it's just torture!! all the food looks so good, and here i am sweating like a pig. =P
3. omgosh, after my workout, i met walter for dinner and we went to chipotle. i was so horrified to find out that a single burrito has 949 calories!!! i spent an hour at the gym sweating and huffing and puffing, all to burn like 200 calories. and i ate that amount in just chips and guac!!! the world is so unfair!! how can they make food so good, and yet so hard to lose it?! i refuse to eat just salads all the time, but man alive... it got depressing really fast. hahaha. (btw, in the end, i hated my salad, and walter traded me his burrito with my salad so i could stop looking so sad. hahaha)
4. so... at one point, as i was speed walking on the treadmill (don't judge me for not running or jogging on the treadmill!! i'm not at that level yet!!), i looked over to my right. there was a long line of people of all ages and shapes running on their treadmills. as i looked around at how we were all facing a wall or a window, running on these darn treadmills, i realized that we were all like hamsters on a hamster wheel in a cage!!! we're all running on these machines that go nowhere, and there's no end in sight, and we're all just cramped in this one, hot room. ARE WE NOT HAMSTERS?!?! =(
so with that... i leave u now. i'll be back at the gym tonight. hopefully, i will be able to stick to this workout routine since i am now losing money if i don't lose weight. hahaha or... boo hoo hoo? =\ wish me luck!!
so last night, while i was hanging out at walter's apt, i saw a mouse!! (he's had a mouse problem for a little while now.) when the mouse saw me, he ran into his closet. so b/c i was sick, i stayed and rested at walter's place, while he went out to see a friend. but now, i was left alone with the mouse!! so what was i to do? i kept staring at the closet, and everytime the mouse tried to escape, i started yelling and jumping up and down "NO!! GO BACK IN THE CLOSET!! GO BACK!!" i couldn't let the mouse know that i was paralyzed with fear and trapped on walter's couch. so we played this game for about 30 min. then finally, i noticed that Frank, that's what i named him, kept trying to escape through the corner of the closet door. so i decided that i needed to try to catch him. so, with all the courage inside me, i went into the kitchen to quickly find the other glue trap, and quickly placed it on the floor near the closet corner where he kept trying to go. when frank finally tried to escape, he went the other way!!! so again, i yelled for him to go back into the closet, and we continued our dance.this went on for another 30 min or so. finally, i came up with a plan. i remembered when yin had a mouse problem, she lined the floor of her bedroom entryway with glue traps. therefore, there was no way out except over the glue traps!! but i couldn't do this w/o walter b/c i couldn't gather all the glue traps in the apt without leaving the closet unguarded. so i knew that once walter came home, then we could do the glue trap plan. so, it took walter like another hour to come home. frank and i continued our yelling/dance for like an hour, and then finally walter came home.he immediately began to gather up all the glue traps and line the door of the closet. then we sat on the couch and quietly waited. Attempt #1: frank finally came out and sniffed all the traps. the brilliant mouse that he is, must have figured out that one of the glue traps was older than the rest and had become less sticky!! so he quickly was able to run through that trap and to his freedom, but when he saw walter starting to run over to him, frank ran back into the closet. so walter rearranged the glue traps so that only the sticky ones lined the door. ahhhh... frank was finally going to be caught!!Attempt #2: after walter and i again waited quietly, frank bravely tried to come out again. he sniffed all the traps and knew that this time, he was in trouble. we all knew that frank's only chance at freedom was to jump over the glue traps, but we all wondered, could he do it? could he make it over?finally, he decided to make a run for it, and up he jumped into the air -- only to fall short just a little and his 2 back feet got stuck in the glue!!! hooray!!but then, we realized that he wasn't stuck on to the glue that hard, and he could still escape!! so then walter tried to scoop him up with the swiffer to plant him firmly into the glue. BUT!! frank instead bit onto the swiffer and didn't let go for dear life!! eventually, he got a little tired and the second he let go, walter smushed down part of his body onto the glue. so here was the tricky part... how do we dispose of him? frank was squeaking a lot - probably begging for mercy. but sucky for him, i had no mercy. he had eaten through MY bag of oreos!! there was vengeance to be paid. too bad frank!! muhahahaha. in the end, walter put frank in a bag, and "took care of him" outside. the brave man... my hero. =Du know, i really think it's b/c he ate my oreos that he wasn't able to make it across the glue trap. he was too chubby and heavy. ahh, gluttony and greed, that is what killed you frank. hahahahaha. ps. i am not evil - i am a survivor!!