last week, i watched "The Vow" at the movies.
there was a line from the movie that had caught the attention of me and my gfs as we watched this. on the wedding day of the main characters, the guy said this:
"I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms, now and forever."
2 things struck me about this line.
"to fiercely love you" - the word fiercely pierced my heart when i heard this. when i think of the word fierce, i think of ferocious, violent, wild, intense. and even though the first 2 words i listed have negative connotations, i like that they remind me of an unrestrainable desire. so often, we downplay our love bc we want to be conservative, or we want to be polite. i don't know about you guys, but for me, i want a love that can't be held back - a love that is like a fire so intense, it just cannot be put out.
i was also stuck by the line "in all your forms." you know -- people change. it's inevitable. i'm not who i was 5 years ago. and not that i'm a completely different person, bc of course i will always be mia. and shades and colors of me will always remain. but different experiences and circumstances will affect and shape me. but to know that someone will love you - even when you're no longer the person they originally fell in love with - that's love. attraction alone isn't enough to sustain a lifetime of marriage. it's dedication. it's commitment.
i know you guys think i'm some hopeless romantic. but i'm a realistic romantic. i don't believe in fairy tale love stories. they're not real. but i DO believe in hard work and loyalty. and i think that's why this line is especially touching to me. bc this fierceness - it portrays an intense effort. and "in all your forms" bc it considers the future - in all its ambiguity yet solidifies the certainty that his love will still remain the same.
and by the end of the movie, i wondered to myself, will anyone ever fiercely love me - in all my forms?
and a small voice inside said, "I already do." thanks God for fiercely loving me. =) Your love is all i need.
You made a vow to me, and i walk in that promise everyday.