it's been a while since i've last written. a ton has happened in the past few months. but for now, i'm going to focus on the fact that christmas is just weeks away!
life has been particularly tough recently, and so i've decided to treat myself to my own christmas presents.
but for those of you out there, who so desire to get me a present, feel free to see what i want!
i've made a quick list of the top 10 things i've been really wanting this christmas. sigh... which one of these things should i get for myself? all of them? haha...
1. The Chronicles of Narnia set
Ideally, i'd like to get this set before the next movie comes out so i can read it, then watch it. but this may not happen. =\
2. Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk
this book looks so cute to me. i think this is a very mia-style book, no?
3. The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake
this book looks super interesting to me, but i generally don't buy hardcover books bc i think they're too expensive. but if someone wants to buy it for me, i'd be very happy.
4. jigsaw puzzles!
i've been in the mood to do lots of puzzles these days. so any cute puzzles or intricate puzzles are welcome!
5. Marc Fisher Peep Toe Pumps
omgosh, the second i tried on these shoes, i fell in love. i really love them, but i don't know if i'll ever have an occasion to wear them to, especially bc i'm not really a nude-shoe kind of girl. i usually just get black shoes. but dang... these are such gorgeous shoes. i want to die.
6. a new watch
my current watch is doing pretty badly. it won't keep time very well, and stops/slows down all the time. i really need a new watch. i've stopped wearing a watch now for a few days, and i constantly feel like my wrist is naked and that i'm missing something. just remember - if you're going to get me a watch - i'd prefer if it was kind of like a bangle bracelet bc i can't have something rubbing up against my skin all the time bc of my eczema.
7. a new study bible
i need a new study bible bc i had to throw away my old study bible bc of the fleas. (btw, u guys have no idea how hard it is to physically throw away a bible. it felt really blasphemous to do it, and i almost kept my bible even tho i feared there were flea eggs all over it. in the end, i threw it away knowing that i could always buy another bible. but i was sad bc my sister had given it to me when i first went away to college, and it had a lot of sentimental worth to me. sad!)
anyway... i can't decide which one i should get... i hear good things about this ESV one... but i'm wondering if it's too academic. i think the F (myers briggs) in me would want something more emotion-inducing. any suggestions?
8. The Children's Storybook Bible
julia yang had showed us this awesome children's bible to us at sg, and it was so beautiful, and the stories were really well-written. tim keller highly recommends it to all christians, seminarians, everyone! i really wanna read this, and also read it to my kids.
9. tory burch flats
i've been wanting these shoes for over a year now. they never go on sale. i hate you tory burch! (nono! i take it back, i love u!) morally, i won't let myself pay this much for a ballet flat (i have loans to pay off, u know!), but man, they're so pretty. =(
10. a smartphone
i think i'm finally ready to make the jump and get a smartphone. yes, it'll increase my stalking tendencies a lot, and i may become one of those ppl who are always rudely on their phones while out to dinner. but dang, i think i need one. i get lost a lot, and i think having a gps is very important to me. but overall, i feel kind of lame with my really old flip phone. i'm no grandma! i'm hip! i should have a hip phone to match! =)
thanks for reading my unimportant and unnecessary list of things i want for christmas. i'm probably only going to buy #7 and #8 for myself. but it's nice to be able to daydream that i have tons of money to buy everything on my list.
just out of curiosity - what's on YOUR christmas wish list? =)