Sorry again for not blogging! it's been a busy weekend, and i seem to just crash into bed instead of remembering to blog!
Day 20 -Fri
today, i am thankful for birthdays. it sy's birthday weekend, and we have a whole lot of plans. tonight's included dinner with his church friends and drinks with more friends. i spent a lot of the night just watching him, watching him laugh with his friends, talk animatedly, joke around. i could see how happy he was to be surrounded by the people he loves most. and i thought about how the night before, we had spent the night with his family celebrating with them. and he was so happy to celebrate with his adorable nephew. even though sy isn't big on birthdays, and even though it's not my own birthday to celebrate, i do think birthdays are worth being thankful for. it's once a year in your life that you get to be shown love without it having to be weird or awkward; and people have an excuse to spend time with you amidst our busy schedules; and we get to build lifetime memories. it's almost like a sabbath - except within a year's time, and for the purpose to stop and celebrate and honor someone you love. =)
Day 21 - Sat
today was an extremely low key day. today, i am thankful for good deals at stores. haha! i know it sounds so silly, but rite aid was having a sale on vitamins of buy 1 get 1 free! i mean, come on, how often in life can you get something for FREE? i saved myself $14! i love a good deal. i love knowing i saved a lot of money. i love buying things and knowing i beat the system somehow. and i can't wait to go back to buy some christmas decorations bc everything is on sale for 25% off! i'm going to make my apt a christmas winter wonderland. it's gonna be great. and it will not be full price! yay!
Day 22 - Sun
today i am thankful for family. you know, sometimes it's easy to forget how much they love you and care about you bc it's easy to focus on their annoying sides, or the selfish things we do innately. but then there are those times when only your family knows what must be going on in your head and knows how to give you the perfect solution to your stress - without ever having had to say a word. i think there are so many times that i want to run away to california, avoid having to deal with family stress on a regular basis because i do remember these negative times more. but on nights like tonight, i am so grateful for family and their ceaseless support and sacrificial love.
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