Tuesday, November 29, 2016


I think one of the hardest things about marriage is the fact that 2 people must somehow be able to co-exist forever.  It was hard enough living with roommates because roommates all have different standards of aspects of life: cleanliness, finances, noise, personal space, etc.  Living with roommates gets tough bc having different standards for life can make your co-existence filled with friction.  That's why eventually people choose to live on their own because it's so much easier to be alone than with someone else.

But when you get married, you're not only living with this person, but you're stuck with this person with no end in sight.  Now, don't get me wrong - I love marriage.  But when you're making friction, it can feel like there's no end in sight.

Sy and I have different standards for certain parts of our lives.  And lately, I've really been struggling with how you reconcile those differences.  How do you live with someone who believes in something that you just don't believe in?  I'll give a harmless example:

Let's say that a wife loves golf.  She spends money to go golfing at the range; she spends hours away from her husband and family playing golf.  The husband thinks that golf is not a good sport due to its high cost in money and time, and would prefer if the wife were to quit.  What do you do?  The wife enjoys golf - do you take it away from her?  Or do you tell the husband to ignore it for her happiness - even though it makes him unhappy? 

There's nothing wrong with golf inherently - it's not an evil sport.  and yet, 2 people have different standards of what is an acceptable sport or not.  There are pros and cons to both.  What are you to do? 

And this is where marriage gets tricky.  No 2 people are ever going to be 100% in sync with each other on everything.  So then what do you when you reach this point?  What do you do if these differences are actually major passion points in their lives?  How do you reconcile such deep differences? 

This is where I am.  I don't know what you're supposed to do.  What would Jesus do in this situation?  I have no idea.  I really wish I knew.

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