Tuesday, June 12, 2018

First laughs and cries - Week 16 Observations

It's been quite a week for our little Emily.  We got to hear Emily's first laugh!  It was so adorable to hear her laugh and see her joyful face.  Man, I thought it was so cute to see her smile, but to hear a laugh accompany it is just pure bliss.  It doesn't happen that often, so when it does happen, it feels like such a treat!  She's such a happy baby!  I love her so much!  I can't wait for her laughs to become more regular and we can figure out exactly what makes her laugh so we can do it over and over.  I want to make her as happy as she can be.  =D

In terms of sleep, Emily has regressed a bit with her naps.  She's grown difficult to put down for naps again - where it involves more than 5 min of rocking.  I had gotten used to that easy put down for a few weeks, so now that I have to do 10-15 min again, it is exhausting.  I guess she is hitting the dreaded 4 month sleep regression.  It stinks, but hopefully we will get through it without too many middle-of-the-night wake ups.

Emily may also be going through another growth spurt.  It seems like overnight, all of a sudden, none of her clothes fit!  Clothes that fit fine just last week now are snug or too small all together!  I've spent the past few days wrapping up all her 0-3 month clothes and trying to find 3-6 months clothes.  I don't know why it has hit me so hard - but I feel very sad that my baby is growing so fast.  When she went from newborn to size 0-3, I was proud of her growth.  But now, I feel so sad that she is growing up in the blink of an eye!  I think now that my maternity leave is more than halfway done, the looming fact that I will be leaving her keeps causing me to feel sad and helpless.

In that vein - this past Friday, Sy and I left Emily for the first time.  We had to go to my friend's wedding, and Sy's mom had agreed to babysit Emily.  When I first rsvp'ed to this wedding, I had thought that it would be a welcome date night for me and Sy.  But as the weeks crept closer to the wedding, I grew more and more apprehensive.  I realized that this would be the first time that Emily would be without either of her parents and I worried that she wouldn't be okay.  Not that I don't believe Sy's mom could do the job - I was worried about how Emily would feel.  Would she look around the room and realize that her mom and dad weren't there?  Would she get freaked out?  What if she cried bc we weren't there?  Or what about when she slept?  She's never had anyone else put her down to sleep.  Would she be able to fall asleep without us?  Or would she just cry and cry and not sleep at all?  I worried for her lack of sleep; I worried for Sy's mom's sanity in case she just cried for hours.  What would happen?  And as I tried to put her down for one last nap before I left for the wedding, I cried big, rolling tears as I worried about her.  I didn't want her to feel anything negative.  So when we left, I kissed her goodbye and couldn't stop crying.  Sy's family all laughed at me as they watched me cry over leaving for just a few hours.  I imagine I should've been excited to get a night off, but I was so nervous for her!  Eventually, I got over my apprehension as we drove further and further away from Emily.  Sy had to remind me that no matter how bad it was that night, it was just 1 night, and Emily would be fine and survive.  And the good news is - she was fine!  Apparently, she did not cry looking for us.  She did have trouble sleeping though.  Sy's mom had to go in every 30-40 min to rock her back to sleep - when normally Emily stops waking up after an hour.  Sy's mom speculated that she knew that her parents were missing and things were not the same and had trouble sleeping bc of it.  I'm glad that it wasn't worse!  Hopefully this is good practice as we have another wedding to go in a few weeks.

It's been quite a week - so much joy and so many tears all in the same week.  Leaving Emily really makes me know how much I love that little girl.  She's my baby and now I know that when I go back to work, I will be a complete and utter wreck.  Time - please stop flying by!

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