Last week was a tough week. Emily started getting really fussy with her eating. She would arch her back and squeal/loudly as if she were trying to get away from me. Every feeding time became so difficult for her to get her usual 4 ounces in. She even started to regress in her sleeping. She had been consistently waking up around 6:45 - 7am. and then all of a sudden, she had begun waking up at 1:30am, 3:30am, 5am again. It was very strange.
I was googling like crazy trying to figure out what it could be. I finally narrowed it down to teething or acid reflux. I didn't know what to do because I was so worried about her, so I finally called her pediatrician. In the hours that I waited for him to return my call, the description for acid reflux haunted me. It said she could be cranky bc every time she ate, it felt like burning for her. And when I thought about Emily feeling burning sensations, I got SO SAD. I started to cry thinking about how much she might be suffering and I was helpless to do anything to make it better for it.
The doctor finally did call us back and thought maybe she might have a mild case of acid reflux. But after showing a video of Emily to my SIL, she confirmed that Emily is teething. She may not have her teeth erupt any time soon, but the way she keeps on rubbing her tongue against her gums, and the way she keeps sucking on her lip confirms that her teeth are bothering her to some degree. It makes me sad that she is still going through some discomfort. But I feel much better knowing it's not something as bad as acid reflux.
Feeding times are tough now bc of her discomfort, but at least she's eating. She's been eating a lot in the mornings - like 5-6 ounces. I can't believe she's growing so fast.
We went on our first family vacation this weekend for memorial day. We went on a trip to the Hamptons with some friends. I was pretty nervous about going bc Emily is so young and I wasn't sure how she'd handle so much change to her environment and routine. But Emily did great as usual! She rarely cried the whole weekend, slept fairly well despite not having her usual dark room, and handled being held by lots of different people as well. I hope that this is all slowly teaching her to be good around people and not to be just close to me and sy.
Personally, it was very interesting to go on a "vacation" for the first time with a child. It's really not a vacation. We still basically had to do our usual routine - just from another location. I still had to pump every 3 hours, I still had to wash pump parts all day, and I still had to care for Emily. When Sy and I wanted to use the pool, we had to take turns so that one person could watch Emily. Life is so different when you have a child. We wanted so badly to stay up late and hang out with friends - but it was so unwise considering we knew Emily could wake up at 530am again. We wanted desperately to sleep in a little - but of course we couldn't. Emily would wake up and need us to feed her. We still had to eat all our meals rushed so that one person could eat while the other watched Emily and then switch. I imagine it'll get easier when Emily is older and a little more self-sufficient. But man, it's eye opening how much changes when you have a child. Our vacations will never be the same anymore. They will always revolve around her. It makes me really thankful that Sy and I went on a lot of trips when we were dating and married. We'll never have those opportunities again until Emily is much older. I'm thankful that we lived life fully before Emily and now we can have no regrets and just be content with this stage of life. It was definitely a different kind of vacation experience - but we love her so much that it doesn't matter too much to us. Despite our exhaustion, her little smile melts away all our tiredness.
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