This was a hard week. Emily really loves sucking on her hands, but as a result, it wakes her up. Since she was born, we've swaddled her tightly to prevent her from hitting her face and what not. But now, she's gotten pretty strong and can get her hands out and then constantly wakes herself up.
Wed was the worst - she was miserable from being so tired, and I was miserable from being so tired rocking her endlessly that we both cried hard. Emily cried a different kind of cry - it had a deep sorrowful sound to it. I cried hard and I think it surprised Emily to see her mom crying so hard with her. Sy and I realized we needed a solution fast bc this wasn't sustainable. I reached out to the Parenthood group on Facebook and got some suggestions on what to do to help her sleep better and someone recommended something called Baby Merlin's Magic Sleepsuit. We ordered it asap and it arrived on Friday.
It's been an interesting few days testing it out. Emily is able to sleep longer bc she can't really reach her hands to her face as easily. (That's amazing! Yay!) The bad part is that it's really puffy and makes her hot, and it's been a pretty hot week in the high 80s. But the good part is she looks super cute in it - like a mini astronaut in a space suit. (It's so adorable!)
As usual, we had a lot of guests over this weekend, and we realized that Emily is really sensitive to sound. We put her down for bed even though lots of people were still over, but there were 2 toddler boys around as well. When 1 of them cried hard bc he hurt himself, Emily woke up to it. When someone closed the bathroom door hard, that woke her up too. What a little sensitive baby we have! This reminds me 2 weeks ago, when Sy's dad was holding Emily, he had put his hand over her ear bc he couldn't believe how sensitive she was to sound and kept waking herself up! It was hilarious to see him do that - but interesting to see how accurate he was!
Emily is turning 3 months next week, and I'm realizing that now this means that I have to start teaching her things - things that are hard. I always told myself that until 3 months, she was too young to do things. But now, here we are. I have to start teaching her how to soothe herself to sleep. I have to sleep train her. I have to help her neck muscles more. It's scary to think about how my actions are going to affect her to become a functioning person. It's a lot of responsibility! I hope I can muster enough courage to be the mom she needs me to be. Looks like it's going to be another ice cream everyday week!
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