Wednesday, December 24, 2008


so i gotta tell ya, i'm a pretty avid daydreamer. there's nothing i like more than to put on my headphones, stare out a window of a bus or subway, and daydream about my "perfect life." i literally spend every minute i'm not thinking about actual stuff, daydreaming - when i'm walking on the sidewalk, when i'm waiting for the subway, when i'm shampooing in the shower, when i eat by myself, anytime!! my brain is never actually here! hahaha.

before walter came along, i constantly daydreamed about my perfect boyfriend - the amazing dates we'd go on, the beautifully romantic words he'd say to me, the outfits i'd wear, (hahaha, i know, so silly!!) and even the jealous reactions of the people around me! hehehe.

but now, i find that i have less stuff to daydream about. i'm pretty content with him ;), that there's no need to daydream about boyfriends anymore! isn't that weird?? so now i've begun to daydream about other things - my wedding day, my future hot shot job, vacations, etc.

but it did make me think - will i ever get to a point where there will be nothing to daydream about? will i ever have everything i want? will i ever feel so satisfied and content with everything in my life that i won't need to daydream about better things? i dunno! maybe it'll be like that in heaven! what's the point of daydreaming, when everything is perfect?

on the one hand, that's a pretty awesome thought, life is so good that u can't even imagine something better. but on the other hand, i like losing myself in my daydreams. i like being able to escape from my sometimes bleak reality, and into this daydream where everything is all i ever hoped for. but then, if i think about it again, if everything were truly perfect - then i think LIVING my life, would be like daydreaming - except it's real!

so ur probably wondering why i'm writing such a random post. well, it's b/c today, while i was walking to work, a woman passed me by, and she had a huge smile on her face. and i kept wondering, what's she smiling about? it's 8:30 in the morning, ridiculously cold, and we're all going to work. and then i realized, maybe she's daydreaming about her perfect man, or maybe she's daydreaming about the vacation she's going to be on in a few hours. and it made me smile to know that God has provided at least our brains to help us endure this world. even amidst horrible conditions, you can always escape for a little while into the amazing world of your imagination. =D

thanks God for my brain. i look forward to the day when i can stop daydreaming, and just be in Heaven with You.

ps. in my daydreams, i'm always super hot and skinny. hahahaha. =D


  1. mia!!! YAY i'm the first person to comment! holler!!! =D

    hahahaha i can totally HEAR you saying this while i'm reading it!!!!!! you are too cute and funny!

  2. haha...nice. your site fulfills my pink quota for the day. =)

    perhaps the question is not whether we'll get everything we want in heaven...but whether in heaven, we won't want anything else but what we have...
