Wednesday, June 29, 2011

movie time at cineplex mia

i've recently been on a movie kick, and i've been watching tons of movies. okay, i exaggerate - i've only seen 3. haha! but it feels like a lot bc they were all watched on a week night. =)

anyhoo, here are some of my favorite bits:

loved this scene from Tangled- so beautiful AND romantic!

i also recently watched The Social Network. i totally fell in love with eduardo saverin/andrew garfield. i die with love for him. swoooooooooon! =D <3

most mussheesuh scene of the movie - i was on the floor at this point.... drool...

and i also watched the time traveler's wife.

the book was WAY better than the movie. and i cried a whole lot more in the book than i did for the movie. but overall, it was nice to watch since rachel mcadams is one of my fave actresses.

i realized that it's been a while since i've watched a movie by myself. for some reason, when you're dating, you seem to always watch movies with your significant other. but once you're single, all of a sudden, watching movies alone seems weird and illogical. of course, there are benefits, such as being able to watch all the cheesy/terrible chick flicks i want without feeling guilty for forcing my bf to watch this drivel. but on the other hand, it feels a little strange to laugh out loud by myself with no one to glance over and laugh together with.

there's also no one around to immediately debrief about the movie with. i find myself rushing to my computer to find someone online who i can chat with to say, "omg - eduardo saverin is so hot," or, "wow, i felt so sorry for mark zuckerberg," or, "why does mandy moore sing in every movie she stars in? does she not have the ability to separate her singing and acting career? sheesh!" movie watching has a different feel to it when you watch them by yourself.

i think, overall, i am finding myself re-learning how to do normal things. i was used to having someone around for so long.

my atrophied "muscles" are working out. that is a good thing. =)

next on my movie queue: beastly. hahaha, it's gonna be so bad, but so good. =D

EDIT - eugh, sorry the pics got cut off! darn layout of the blog!! =(

Thursday, June 16, 2011

=) =D ;D =P

i've recently realized that the people i am closest to have something in common:

they all use emoticons and exclamation points! =)

i know that this may seem like a silly commonality, but i'm realizing more and more that this is really important to me. my receiving love language is verbal affirmation; so it only makes sense that smiley faces and exclamation points are the main components of my language.

there's something about a smiley face at the end of a sentence that is so reassuring that there is a friendly person at the other end of this internet connection. and there's nothing more satisfying than to see the excited exclamation point of a friend's conversation.

i feel like these 2 things are very clear ways for anyone to know how exactly you feel. in the world of emails, gchats, tweets, and blogs, we're so hidden behind the screens of our computers. there's no way to know the inflection of your voice if you're being sarcastic or true to your word unless i see some kind of smiley face. and when i talk to people who don't use emoticons or exclamation points, i find myself constantly trying to assess and gauge how they're REALLY feeling. and it gets tiring! but when someone puts a cute little smiley face after a sentence, i know that we're having a fun, good time. and i know that u are smiling back at me. and that makes me happy. and when u use an exclamation point, it helps me to know that u are excited to be talking to me. and all this affirms to me that we are close friends.

i think this is why i'm closest to ppl who also use emoticons and exclamation points. a) it makes me feel loved. and b) it makes the relationship so much easier to grow.

hahaha, what a silly revelation. =D

ps. on a side note, i particularly love when people use this smiley face: -___-

but i never use it bc it's way too much work. hahaha! but everytime i see one of those, i smile a little bigger than usual. =D

EDIT: omgosh, i just found out that the -__- is NOT a happy face, but is actually like a deadpan face. this is not cool in my book!!! i was totally wrong all these years!! it is no longer a particular fave now! hmmph!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


i stole this story from cadengo's blog bc i liked it. hope u like it too! =)

There were three men.

Each had a prized possession, something that he treasured.

The first man was a simple man. He hid his treasure behind his clothes in the closet where no one could conceivably get to them. But one day, armed thugs broke into his house, turned the place upside down, and found his treasure. They knew it was a treasure because he so safely secured it. And they took his treasure and sold it on the streets for the price of two pigeons. The simple man was sad to discover his treasure wasn't worth nearly as much as he had hoped, and worse, that he could not even afford to buy his own treasure back because he had sold all he had to get it.

The second man was more clever than the first. He knew not to make a big fuss about his treasure, for surely that would rouse the suspicion of eager thieves. So he took his treasure and left it on the curb in front of his house. He left his treasure among the trash, for he thought, surely, no competent thief would go looking there. Till one day a trash man mistook his treasure for garbage, and threw it in with the rest at the dump. The clever man was upset that someone had treated his treasure with such disregard, and distraught that his treasure tainted was now lost forever.

The last man was neither simple, nor clever, but wise. He had seen enough treasure go to waste--stolen, pillaged, rotted away--to know that none of it would last. No treasure on earth was essential. He had possessions, but he knew that they were gifts, and that he was merely the steward. His real treasure was stored somewhere safe, where no thief could get to it, no thug could tamper with it, and no simple-minded fool would mistake it for anything else but what it was. The wise man kept his treasure in Heaven.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


"No measure of time with you will be long enough, but we'll start with forever."

- Edward from Twilight.



loveeeeeee <3