Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Replenishing the sleep bank - Week 42 Observations

Last week was another busy week for us - but again in a sad way.  On Tuesday, Sy's uncle passed away.  It was very sudden and came out of the blue.  It became another whirlwind week for us as we made funeral arrangements and what not. 

On Wed evening, we brought Emily with us to the funeral service.  We decided not to leave her at home again since she's shown to be able to stay up a little longer.  She did great and didn't get cranky at all until we finally got home around 9:30pm.  She was a real trooper for staying up so late.  On Thurs morning, we went to the burial and again put Emily through no sleep.  She was again a pretty good trooper and lasted until we got her home around 2:30pm.  Poor girl was so sleep deprived. 

On top of that, we took Emily out on Sat into the city for a baby shower.  Poor girl was awake for 4 hours, and then only slept 20 min in the car.  And bc she was so exhausted, she couldn't fall asleep again for a nap.  She ended up only sleeping 1 hour 50 min in total that day.  She was so exhausted that on Sunday, she napped for 4.5 hours.  We felt bad bc it was literally 5 days straight of not getting enough sleep.  But she survived, and I'm glad she's relatively okay.

Emily's eating has been very tough this week.  We're not sure if it's bc she's finally teething again or if it was the constant exhaustion.  But regardless, she just kept crying and being very difficult when we fed her solids.  She would swat at the spoon getting food everywhere.  She would cry and try to get out of her seat.  She was so miserable.  So on top of her drinking less milk in general, she was also not eating as much.  I was pretty concerned for a while. 

When I say that Emily is finally teething again - I forgot to mention that Emily's teeth have been somewhat delayed.  She sprouted 2 teeth a while ago - maybe month 7?  And since then, no new teeth have come out.  But she's been doing this thing where she's been biting her top lip a lot.  So I'm hoping that maybe it's finally happening. 

In terms of Emily's developments, she's definitely getting better and better at everything.  She crawls on her hands and knees more frequently now.  She pulls herself up onto everything.  She can cruise with confidence now.  Overall, I'm pretty proud of her!  I don't know if she'll be able to walk by the time she's 1, but here's hoping! 

We also finally booked Emily's dohl venue!  I can't believe we're actually starting to plan this thing.  It's pretty crazy that in 2 months, Emily will be 1 year old.  Time really flies.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Moving, moving, moving - Week 41 Observations

It's been another really fun week of developments for Emily.  It's kind of shocking to see how much she changes week to week now.

One of the most exciting things from last week is that Emily started cruising.  She can now take small steps while holding on to stuff.  I started her off at our ottoman and putting snacks on opposite sides of it so that she'd have to walk to go and reach it.  She did pretty well!  She then just started doing it by herself wherever she was holding herself up.  She cruises on the sofa, on the dining bench, along her jumper chair, along the recycle bin and trash can, everywhere!  It's pretty cute to see.

As a result, I'm starting to have Emily practice walking.  We have this enormous Amazon box in our house that I was saving to use to store some bulky baby items.  But I started using it as a blockade bc Emily seems to have some kind of strange obsession with touching underneath the refrigerator.  So I put this box there to prevent her from getting to it.  But it turned out, she pulled herself up on it and then it would slowly move forward due to her weight of standing against it, and then she would walk with it!  So our little girl basically created her own little walker!  She can basically walk down our entire hallway using that giant box as her walker!  I was so proud of her!  Therefore, I immediately bought her one of those real walkers for her to practice with.  It's still a bit too fast for her right now, but I'm sure we're going to start using it soon.

In a very surprising turn of events, Emily has also started crawling on her knees!  I didn't think it was ever going to happen bc she just didn't seem to want to try it at all.  But lo and behold - she did it!  She just one day started doing it.  The funny thing is, even when she crawls on her knees, she is still a strange person and occasionally uses her left foot to help move herself along.  So then she looks so awkward bc she's got one knee on the ground and one leg up like a spider.  Haha.  She can't seem to just not let her right leg not be more dominant.  It's hilarious to see.  But regardless, I'm proud that she's giving it a try.  I thought she would never stop doing her injured leg crawl.  And it turns out, she still loves her injured leg crawl.  She's much faster that way, so when she's really impatient to get somewhere, she switches back to that and makes her way. 

Good news is that Emily is starting to drink more milk again.  She's not back to normal, but at least she's starting to finish some of her bottles again.

A fun thing was that our local community center had a tree lighting ceremony on Wed night that also included a time of meeting with Santa.  We brought Emily to the event and I was pretty excited to get a picture with Santa.  For the first photo, I sat with Emily and Santa and took a photo together.  But then we thought we'd give it a try to see if Emily could take a solo pic with Santa.  As soon as I left her, she realized that I was no longer holding her and that her parents were in front of her.  So that meant a strange man was holding her.  The look of panic in her Santa photos make us laugh so hard. 

Over the weekend, Sy and I had one of the worst fights we've had in a long time.  And unfortunately, it was not possible to not fight in front of Emily.  It made me wonder if she could sense something was wrong.  Did she notice that we were both yelling and screaming?  Did she feel scared?  She didn't seem scared.  If anything, she kept on smiling at me.  Regardless of how Emily felt, it felt very odd and sad to me to fight in front of her.  I wanted to protect her from all the yelling - help her to only know a world that is happy.  But we couldn't stop fighting in front of her.  It's made me wonder what will happen in the future when she's more cognizant of this.  Will she take sides?  Will she feel nervous about divorce?  I used to be terrified of divorce when I was a child.  When does that fear become a real fear for kids?  I don't really know what the solution is in terms of how to fight when you have children.  But all I know is that I didn't like.  And I just hope there are no fights for her to ever have to witness.

In the meantime, I love Emily to death with each new day.  And I hope that I can always bring joy and sunshine into her life through whatever darkness that may come her way.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Stand up and stand tall - Week 40 observations

Last week was another interesting week of developments!  I thought last week was a whirlwind of developments with all of her new crawling, but it turns out it doesn't stop.

Her big thing last week was learning how to stand up!  She now knows how to pull herself up into a standing position.  We were hanging out in her room, and she was in her crib, and she somehow figured out how to go from being on her belly to grabbing the top of the crib, then pulling herself up so that her legs were standing.  I was shocked at how easy it was for her.  And just like that, she just grew up!  Sy and I had to lower the crib that night so that we could make sure she doesn't pull herself up in the middle of the night and then fall out of the crib.  We both got very sad to lower her crib and made us reminisce when she used to be small enough to lie vertically in her crib.  And now here we are - lowering her crib bc she's too tall for the highest setting. 

On top of that, Emily is just a standing up machine.  She constantly pulls herself up onto anything - the ottoman, the sofa backs/arm rests, boxes, me, Sy, everything!  It's pretty amazing to see her muscles get stronger.  I'm so proud of her.  It makes me wonder if she truly will skip this crawling phase and just go straight to walking.  Emily doesn't seem to be evolving into a normal hands/knees crawl.  So I wonder if she just has no interest in it. 

In other news - we can confirm that Emily is not allergic to peanut butter or eggs!  Yay!  Man, I was so nervous this weekend to test her on them, but she did fine!  No allergic reactions - just enjoyed all the flavors.  Hooray and whew!

Emily is finally done with her cold.  She has a slight runny nose all the way until Wed of last week.  But once she finished, I noticed that she stopped screaming at the top of her lungs.  I guess it really was due to her sickness.  Thank God it's over though.  That was a really annoying time.  Emily's milk intake is still on the lower side, but she's SLOWLY starting to drink more milk per feeding.  She leaves a little bit less each time.  I hope that she finally goes back to normal soon.  I want her to grow up healthy!