Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Replenishing the sleep bank - Week 42 Observations

Last week was another busy week for us - but again in a sad way.  On Tuesday, Sy's uncle passed away.  It was very sudden and came out of the blue.  It became another whirlwind week for us as we made funeral arrangements and what not. 

On Wed evening, we brought Emily with us to the funeral service.  We decided not to leave her at home again since she's shown to be able to stay up a little longer.  She did great and didn't get cranky at all until we finally got home around 9:30pm.  She was a real trooper for staying up so late.  On Thurs morning, we went to the burial and again put Emily through no sleep.  She was again a pretty good trooper and lasted until we got her home around 2:30pm.  Poor girl was so sleep deprived. 

On top of that, we took Emily out on Sat into the city for a baby shower.  Poor girl was awake for 4 hours, and then only slept 20 min in the car.  And bc she was so exhausted, she couldn't fall asleep again for a nap.  She ended up only sleeping 1 hour 50 min in total that day.  She was so exhausted that on Sunday, she napped for 4.5 hours.  We felt bad bc it was literally 5 days straight of not getting enough sleep.  But she survived, and I'm glad she's relatively okay.

Emily's eating has been very tough this week.  We're not sure if it's bc she's finally teething again or if it was the constant exhaustion.  But regardless, she just kept crying and being very difficult when we fed her solids.  She would swat at the spoon getting food everywhere.  She would cry and try to get out of her seat.  She was so miserable.  So on top of her drinking less milk in general, she was also not eating as much.  I was pretty concerned for a while. 

When I say that Emily is finally teething again - I forgot to mention that Emily's teeth have been somewhat delayed.  She sprouted 2 teeth a while ago - maybe month 7?  And since then, no new teeth have come out.  But she's been doing this thing where she's been biting her top lip a lot.  So I'm hoping that maybe it's finally happening. 

In terms of Emily's developments, she's definitely getting better and better at everything.  She crawls on her hands and knees more frequently now.  She pulls herself up onto everything.  She can cruise with confidence now.  Overall, I'm pretty proud of her!  I don't know if she'll be able to walk by the time she's 1, but here's hoping! 

We also finally booked Emily's dohl venue!  I can't believe we're actually starting to plan this thing.  It's pretty crazy that in 2 months, Emily will be 1 year old.  Time really flies.

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