Friday, October 16, 2009

to shower or not to shower

tonight, i fell asleep on my bed as i was surfing facebook. but then, an hour later, i woke up - i woke up to the anxious knot in my stomach b/c my body was saying, "stop sleeping mia. you have unfinished business. now get up and shower before you sleep!"

ah, the age old debate - what's better? to shower at night or in the morning? my whole life, i was a morning showerer. i felt like it wasn't morning unless i showered. i couldn't truly wake up unless i showered. i thought, ah, nice and clean for a new day.

but then, when i was a teacher, my mom asked me why i showered in the morning. she said that i could get more sleep in the morning if i showered at night b/c then all i'd have to do in the morning was just wake up, do my morning routine, and go to work. no need to shower, dry off, etc - and add a good 20-30min of glorious sleep.

after i tested it out, i discovered that showering at night had a lot of benefits!
1. i really did get extra sleep in the morning.
2. i woke up with awesomely voluminous hair! (ooh la la, hair model!)
3. i felt like i had washed the day's germs off me, and now my bed was a clean sanctuary to sleep in.

u know, i had never realized how gross it was to not shower at night - and what it meant for your bed. i think most ppl are like me, and like to lean their heads on the subway walls if you're sitting down. and if u really think about it, when u lean your head on the wall, a good dozen other people have probably done the same thing. what if they all didn't shower? then all their dirty hair germs are now on MY head!! what if the guy who sneezed next to me got some tiny water droplets on my arm? if i don't shower, then i'm just bringing his sneeze into my bed!!

the more i thought about it, the more horrified i got. therefore, i've now become a big proponent of night showering. i think it just makes good sense to wash the day off you, and to enter into a bed that has only been occupied by your clean body night after night.

but, i will say this - night showering is annoying. sometimes, man, all u want to do is just crawl into bed. i had such a long, draining day today, and i wanted nothing more than to just snuggle up in my blanket and sleep away the fatigue. but like i said at the start of this entry, my body knew that it was just gross for me to sleep like this, and nagged me into awakeness. stupid body of mine - just let me sleep!!

oh well. at least the shower woke me up enough to write this blog entry. =)

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