Sunday, March 27, 2011

feeling a little silly ;)

hey everyone!

i found some time to record another song! i decided to go the not-so-holy route and did a fun, silly song. haha. i think many of you are going to cringe. =) but whatevs... this is my blog! i'll do what i want!

i also found a better place to record. it turns out my stairwell in my apt building has a great echo effect, so i think you'll have an easier time hearing me this time. yay!

ps. sorry for the mess-up in verse 2. *blush* =)

pps. the flowers in the video are the cherry blossoms that bloom every spring on the BC campus. sighh... i miss those beautiful trees!

enjoy! (again, it's not the best that i can do, but it was fun!)


  1. bieber fever! nice. a lovely rendition of j.bieber. although i do wish you would've rapped for us ;)
