Monday, May 2, 2011

potholes and hole fillers

today, i walked into a pot hole and sprained my ankle. it was pretty embarrassing - falling in a hole, landing flat onto the street, everyone watching me as i tried to wipe off the street from my pants, and hearing the gasps of concerns as i tumbled over when i tried to stand up straight.

darn pot holes... =(

i wanted to go to bed and just call it a day, but my project loomed over me. it would be easy for me to say, "this day sucks. i sprained my ankle. there is no highlight of the day."

but there is always a highlight. i believe there is always a highlight. <3

today's highlight was when i im-ed a friend to ask about what to do about my sprained ankle, and instead of just gchatting me directions, this friend chose to pick up the phone, call me, and make sure that i got all the necessary attention i needed.

i felt like it was a bit much - that my sprain wasn't so severe to warrant such attention - but u know what? i needed it. i needed to feel cared for and that someone DOES worry about me even when i often feel like i'm on this ride alone.

thanks friend! =D

let's hope i heal up quickly!

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